Getting Home

Getting Home

It wasn’t far along the coast to get back to Dartmouth from Falmouth. In order to arrive before lunch on the 28th (our plan), we wanted to get along the coast as much as possible, so headed on to Salcombe.

The weather wasn’t as clear as for our arrival in the UK, so all of our pictures ended up being a little washed out.

Nevertheless, the sail was lovely, we followed a pretty straight line, avoiding a lighthouse, a bouy and a navy ship.

Our night in Salcombe was peaceful, and the harbour master recognized Hannah from before her paint job, so before we set off.

We didn’t have much wind leading Salcombe to Dartmouth, so had to motor most of the way.

We had prepared a flag chain to hoist for our final journey, which looked rather epic when we arrived in the Marina to a welcome from our families.

We unloaded most of the boat in a few hours, then headed out for lunch with the families. Heading back to Hannah the following day for a quick clean, and move back across the river dart to her trot mooring.

The boatyard that we leave the dinghy at when leaving the trot is up a side creek of the river and dries out totally at low tide.

We cut the timing of the tide far too tight (not used to all this tidal stuff after our year in the Caribbean), and Kathryn had to wade through the mud in the final meters so that we could pull the dinghy to the dock.

Perfect way to spend Kathryn’s birthday day 🤣

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